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What are the applications of optical glass in industry?

What are the applications of optical glass in industry?

Optical glass has many important applications in industry, mainly including the following aspects:

Optical Instrument Manufacturing:

Lens: is a key component of optical instruments, such as telescopes, microscopes, cameras, projectors, surveillance cameras and other equipment in the lens need to use optical glass. High-quality optical glass ensures that light is accurately refracted and focused, resulting in a clear image.

Prism: Used to change the propagation direction of light and split the light, widely used in total station, theodolite and other measuring instruments and some optical experimental equipment. The optical glass prism has a high precision Angle and good optical performance, which can ensure the propagation of light according to the designed path.

Reflectors: In some optical systems, reflectors are used to reflect light to change the light path, such as laser processing equipment, astronomical telescopes, etc. Optical glass mirrors have high reflectivity and good flatness, and can accurately reflect light.

Semiconductor manufacturing: In the semiconductor manufacturing process, optical glass is used to make photomask plates. Photomask plate is an important tool in semiconductor chip manufacturing, and the pattern on it is transferred to the semiconductor wafer through lithography technology, thus forming the circuit structure of the chip. The high transparency and precision of optical glass ensure that the pattern on the photomask plate is accurately transferred to the wafer.

Laser technology field:

Laser resonator: Optical glass is used to create mirrors and Windows for laser resonators. Laser resonator is the key component of laser generation, and the high quality of optical glass can ensure the stability and output power of laser.

Laser transmission: In laser transmission systems, optical glass fibers are used to transmit laser signals. Optical glass fiber has the characteristics of low loss and high bandwidth, can effectively transmit laser signals, and is widely used in laser communication, laser cutting, laser welding and other fields.

Medical Equipment field:

Medical optical instruments: such as eye inspection equipment, surgical microscopes, endoscopes and other medical optical instruments in the lens, prism and other optical components need to use optical glass. These optical glass components can help doctors clearly see the internal structure of the patient's body, improving the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment.

Medical imaging equipment: In X-ray equipment, CT equipment, MRI equipment and other medical imaging equipment, optical glass is used to manufacture detector Windows and optical filters and other components. The high transparency and specific optical properties of optical glass ensure the accuracy and reliability of medical imaging equipment.

Aerospace field:

Aircraft optical equipment: optical navigation equipment, optical remote sensing equipment, optical communication equipment, etc. on aircraft, satellites and other aircraft need to use optical glass. For example, optical remote sensing cameras on satellites need to use high-quality optical glass lenses and prisms to obtain clear images of the Earth.

Aerospace material inspection: Optical glass is also used to manufacture components such as optical sensors and optical probes in aerospace material inspection equipment. These optical components can detect the physical properties and chemical composition of aerospace materials to ensure the quality and reliability of the materials.

Automotive manufacturing:

Automotive lights: optical glass is used to manufacture the lenses and mirrors of automotive lights, which can improve the brightness of the lamp and the focusing effect of the light, and enhance the lighting performance and safety of the car.

Vehicle optical system: With the development of automotive intelligence, vehicle optical systems such as vehicle cameras, lidar and so on are becoming more and more important. Optical components such as lenses and prisms in these optical systems also need to use optical glass to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the system.

Display technology field:

Liquid crystal display: Optical glass is used to manufacture the substrate and filter of liquid crystal display. The substrate is the basic component of the liquid crystal display. The optical glass substrate has high flatness and good optical performance, which can ensure the display quality of the liquid crystal display. The filter is used to select a specific wavelength of light to achieve color display.

Projection display: In projection display technology, optical glass is used to make components such as lenses, mirrors and spectroscopes of projectors. These optical components are able to focus, reflect and split the light emitted by the source to form a clear image on the screen.
