What are the applications of optical lenses?

What are the applications of optical lenses?

Do you know about it? Next optical lens manufacturer - Kunshan Nuoli Optical Co., Ltd. to introduce you!

Optical lenses can be applied to:

(1) Slide projector: the lens is a convex lens, the object (slide) is placed between 1F and 2F, and the real image of inverted amplification is formed on the screen. To enlarge the image, the object should be brought closer to 1F and the screen should be moved away from the lens (the object advances and receded to enlarge the image).

(2) magnifying glass: the object is within 1F, and the virtual image is amplified vertically. To make the image larger, move the object away from the lens (near the inside of 1F). Look at the fingerprint with a magnifying glass. If you want the fingerprint to look like an answer, keep the magnifying glass away from the finger when the hand is not moving. Finger near 1F.

(3) Microscope: there are two convex lenses with different focal lengths. Short focal length of the objective lens and long focal length of the eyepiece. The object is between 1F and 2F, and the object as the eyepiece falls in the eyepiece 1F, and the eyepiece is second formed into the amplified virtual image.

(4) Telescope: the focal length of the objective lens is long, the focal length of the eyepiece is short, and the objective lens is reduced into a real image and then the eyepiece is enlarged into a virtual image. The image is smaller than the object but moved closer.

(5) Camera: the lens is convex lens, and the lens with long focal length is large. Solo photography is large, the camera should be close to the person, and the lens should be rotated out to increase the distance. The group lens keeps the lens away from the person, and rotates the lens to reduce the distance. If the real image is not in the middle of the viewfinder frame, the lens moves in the same direction as the image moves when the object is not moving.

(6) Myopia: the lens becomes convex, the focal length becomes shorter, the convergence effect is enhanced, the imaging is in front of the retina, the distant object is not clear, the clear visual distance is less than 25cm, and the concave lens should be worn. (Wearing a concave lens can make the eyeball converge, the focal length becomes longer, and the image shifts backward).

(7) farsightedness: the flat convergence of the lens becomes weaker, the focal length becomes longer, the imaging is in the retina, and the near object is not clear, and the bright vision distance is greater than 25cm, and the convex lens should be worn to correct it. (Wearing a convex lens can enhance the convergence of the eyeball and shorten the focal length, like moving forward to the retina).
